Thursday, 28 January 2016

Back with a bang in 2016

Hello you horrible lot!

Hope you are well and had a happy new year.

Well, on the advice of a certain blogger that shall remain nameless, I have decided to blog again.

Mainly because it will do me some good whilst I'm writing my second novel and mostly because I've had 4 Carlings and my sales have hit an all time low!

Actually, thats not strictly true. Over Christmas I sold 5 copies of Mr Impossible.... FIVE! Almost the same amount as the Carlings that I aim to consume before I finish this entry. Thats a heck of a lot for a book that is meandering in the lower echelons of the gay horror hit parade.

But why a sudden surge of interest I hear you cry. Well, ladies and gentleman... I have become a whore. No, not of the Victorian East London, bonnet wearing, Jack the Ripper fearing variety, I mean in terms of pushing my novel on the poor unsuspecting Gloucestershire public.

One might call it somewhat of an epidemic. "Could you take me to Charlton Kings please Drive, and by the way - I've written a book - do go and buy it"

To be fair, many, many people are impressed that I have shown the commitment and wherewithal to scribe a full 336 pages all by myself and will, for the most part, go and buy Mr Impossible if they have endured, sorry - enjoyed a wedding reception littered with my anecdotes - one doesn't get something for nothing nowadays, but really? A work training session? Did I really need to put my hand up and contribute to a "thought shower" with the parting shot "by the by, my book is available on Amazon" just to snag a sale? Pitiful.

Anyways, that is how I am currently presenting myself as an author: desperate, ruthless, shameless... proactive.

And I do hope that you will forgive my lack of blog-put over the last couple of years because, you see, whilst you are scribbling a narrative, the blog tends to get forgotten and, in case you hadn't noticed, I have released yet another novella AND I am currently scribing a second full length novel. So its not like I've forgotten you - I am just working super hard to generate some extra humourous bedtime reading for all those who enjoy my writing.

So shall we make a pact? I will continue to bash out the novels, if you continue to be patient with my blog posts. Deal?

Right, what time does the off license close....? xx