So, I'm here.
I've flown the nest.
I've separated myself from the dizzying, dazzling lights of the city (London) and headed for the slightly hoity toity, reserved and conservative streets of a certain Gloucestershire town.
And my mission is simple. I was unfulfilled by my life in London: a dead end job, lonely nights, terrible dates and a flat that had seen more bouts of vermin than a scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
I was down, but not out and I decided to pack it all up and move to a new life away from that place to test whether things really do work outside of London.
I am looking for the perfect job, the perfect man and the perfect dream to aspire to. I think I lost a few of my dreams along the way to get to this point and I reckon I'll have to work hard to get a few of them back.
But I am determined. Who's with me?